Welcome to Zazzzy!

Unleash your entrepreneurial spirit with Zazzzy! Our vibrant ecommerce platform empowers small and medium businesses to thrive. Find unique products, support independent creators, and shop with a purpose - every purchase goes directly to the passionate people behind it. Join the fun and grow your business with Zazzzy!


Product Review

Register to Shop at Zazzzy!!!

Welcome to Zazzzy, your one-stop shop for making a difference!

We're thrilled you're here, and we know you share our love for supporting home-grown businesses. When you shop at Zazzzy, you're not just getting unique products, you're directly impacting the lives of individuals and families.

Your purchases help small businesses thrive, allowing them to:

  • Put food on the table and pay bills.
  • Invest in their dreams and create new opportunities.
  • Offer their children exciting experiences.

With every purchase, you're not just buying amazing items, you're fueling dreams and changing lives. Use our handy search tool to discover treasures from a variety of passionate creators, then browse and feel good knowing your choices truly matter.

From all of us at Zazzzy, thank you for choosing to "shop small" and have a Zazzzy day!

Our Blog

Spring is in the air

28th April 2024

It's been a very busy spring and we have been doing a lot of spring cleaning (Zazzzy website) that is making a better experience for all! 

It has taken longer than expected to bring to life an idea that as you know seems simple when speaking about it and then bringing those words to life. Well we have accomplished that mission and at the same time added new exciting prospects to both the user and the consumer, Hot Dang!

Let me say talk is cheap – and actions speak louder than words, so know that we are not speaking until we are bringing the actions to life. Zazzzy as a brand will offer many more opportunities for the vendor and user experience with a blend 3 different but connected opportunities for the community. 

Stand-by for a totally new brand experience from the creators of Zazzzy. Now is the time to get involved and reap the rewards of ownership being a member has it’s privileges!

Get the App: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/zazzzy/id6475107378



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Zazzzy: Evolve your hustle, unleash your success.

11th February 2024

Welcome to Zazzzy, your home for creative success!

At Zazzzy, we're passionate about empowering dreamers like you. Whether you're an artist, author, crafter, designer, or service provider, we offer a vibrant marketplace specifically designed for home-based and small businesses.

Born from a desire to help the global community thrive, Zazzzy provides more than just a platform. We believe in:

  • Simple marketplace setup: Focus on creating, while we handle the technicalities.
  • Empowered marketing: Learn and grow your sales through insightful resources.
  • Tailored support: Access our team for assistance whenever you need it.

Our story began in 2019 when a group of like-minded individuals, led by Steven, came together with a mission: to help small businesses and creatives succeed. We recognized the challenges you face and knew we could make a difference.

Today, Zazzzy is fueled by a dedicated team: [Introduce the ownership team concisely, highlighting their strengths and experiences].

Ready to join the Zazzzy family and unleash your creative potential? Explore our platform, learn from our resources, and let's build something amazing together!

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eCommerce for all Creatives!

11th February 2024

Stop building websites, start building your business with Zazzzy!

Forget the limitations of traditional websites. Zazzzy is a true eCommerce marketplace designed specifically for passionate creators like you. Whether you sell art, crafts, custom creations, collectibles, or unique pieces, we showcase your talent and help you reach a wider audience.

Why join the Zazzzy community?

  • You own your success: Zazzzy is built on a 0% commission model. Every sale is truly yours, along with your customer base.
  • Maximum exposure: We actively promote your products through vendor highlights and social media mentions.
  • Effortless selling: Sell hundreds of items in your personalized Zazzzy store with a seamless shopping cart and direct payment processing.
  • Give back with purpose: Raise funds for your 501(c)(3) or organization directly through your Zazzzy store.
  • Take control: Manage your inventory, sales, and orders with a comprehensive back-office system. We can even handle it for you for a fee!
  • Grow your business: Access our exclusive support services, personal assistant credits, and optional business coaching to unlock your full potential.

Ready to ditch the website drama and focus on what you love? Join Zazzzy today and experience the difference!

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