Zazzzy LLC (henceforth "Zazzzy") expects all staff, contractors, sellers, purchasers, and site visitors to operate kindly between themselves at all times as it pertains to Zazzzy. This includes respectful behavior and exchanged words across and all of our social media channels and any potential future apps or platforms. We exist to educate, empower, and encourage creators and inventors - you don't have to, but that's what this space is dedicated for, and if anyone decides to operate outside of this model they will be removed and potentially reported to law enforcement, if applicable. Moderators are monitoring all comment sections, etc. in case this blanket request is ever ignored. Store owners are strongly encouraged to inform Zazzzy about any occurred harassment as soon as possible.
As stated elsewhere on our site, namely the registration application, Zazzzy does not accept or host materials related to:
Pornography or any similar depiction.
Fireworks & anything explosive in nature.
Multi Level Marketing (known commonly as "MLM") products.
And other items that may be illegal to sell in your area, including plants and beverages in categories of food and drink that you do not carry current license to sell. Even if a license is not required for your product(s), what you bring here must be your own production, not something pre-made and mass-marketed.
Additionally, there is to be absolutely no abelsim, antisemitism, discrimination, hate speech, racism, or other slurs thereof. Discrimination based on age, color, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, or gender identity), and national origin is illegal and will not be tolerated. There will be no interactions or promotions of cartels, gangs, or any other terrorist group - either futuristic, historical, or modern - including any paraphernalia or symbolism, including while not limited to: caricatures, colors presented in a manner that infers affiliation or promotion, flags, and/or particular emojis and words that the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) confirmed to be related to codes that represent pedophilia. There will be no glorification of death, gore, slavery, violence, or activities that promote(d) death, gore, slavery, or violence.
Zazzzy reserves the right and responsibility to report any violations to law enforcement whenever deemed appropriate.
Activism (education through awareness raising) can be a great thing, but our channels and website are not an appropriate setting!
We are dedicated to ensuring the highest quality of service and membership to be a part of our e-commerce platform and are grateful for each person who considers us as a resource in any way